Your 2021 Nestimate 1737 Lake Wood Cir $306,670-$330,260
Your Nestimate is Based on CURRENT MARKET conditions. We are seeing home prices being driven up well past all reasonable estimates due to a HISTORIC lack of inventory. To Receive the most accurate estimate we would need to have a quick conversation about your homes condition, finishes and any upgrades.
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Estimated Equity Growth For Your Home
Average Price Per Square Foot
Average Days on Market
Average Sold Price
2021 Average Days On Market: ONE DAY 2021 Average Price Per Sq Ft: $132.61 Based on CMA Info Provided Below
The data below is HYPER LOCAL and is specific to your neighborhood.
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Your purchase price in 2016-$136,00
Estimated Equity $170,670-$194,260
Estimated equity is calculated solely on original purchase price*
Current Nestimate based on CMA above, historical data, and overall market trendlines.
All data sourced from the Chattanooga MLS Data listed in CMA's is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the MLS. "Nestmate's" are for informational purposes only and is not a guarantee on a sales price. Price recommendations are subject to change after an in person viewing of a homes condition, finishes, and upgrades.